When you incorporate some of these basic symbols into your photography, there's a good chance that many
people will respond to that universal meaning. Intuitively, they'll be
able to relate to that image and each other's reaction to it.
how symbols work - by that very basic type of thought process known as
"association." We associate this with that. This reminds me of that. The
lines of association generated by a symbol may radiate in many
way to discover the possible meanings of a symbol is to free associate.
When you see a particular element of an image, what does it remind you
of? What different things do you associate with it? There may be many
possibilities, some of them leading to more interesting memories, ideas,
and feelings than others.
- source: http://truecenterpublishing.com/photopsy/symbolism.htm
I answered the 8 questions about mental states by free associating them with the objects that induce me that mental state.
1. apathy - waiting - clock
2. anxiety - future - mask - ink
3. flow - photography - polaroid and cmena camera
4. worry - unkown - masks
5. boredom - football (sport) - football (object)
6. arousal - visual & olfactory stimuli - japanesse lillies
7. control - retaining and remembering information - highlighters and post-it notes
8. relaxation - music - vinyl records
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